Customs Clearance & Documentation

Air Fright

Custom Clearance
Grow Your Business without Any Hassle!

Century Star handles complex tasks, organizing and transporting your goods through customs as quickly and efficiently as possible. We provide advice to ensure that customs duties are paid correctly and all other legal requirements are met, whether by air or by sea. In any part of the world, whether it is food, machinery, personal belongings or commercial transport goods, our experienced employees can ensure accurate and fast shipments.

Customs clearance is a complicated process, and accurate declaration is essential. At Century Star, we are very familiar with the customs process and communicate with the customs department electronically. We can eliminate red tape, complete documents quickly and correctly, and quickly obtain personalized shipments to keep your products smooth.

Our international network enables us to keep abreast of the latest customs affairs and legislation, the latest customs requirements and procedures of various countries service highlights.

The company promise

As a contractor we promise to take care of all supply chain management, to make your
shipments travel safe, fast and on time.